
Welcome to Our New Home!

Welcome friends, to the new Herb & Bamboo web/blog site! Many of you have been wondering where we have been the past couple of months. Wonder no more! We have been laboring over (what we feel is) a fun new place for our friends to come and kick up their heels. Go on, grab a seat and stay a while! The past few months have been consumed with construction, designing, redesigning, testing, retesting, and testing some more, in order to ensure that our new site is up to the standards that you all deserve. There have been many long days and even longer nights, but our labor of love is finally complete…but we use complete very loosely being that we are already working on a few changes and updates. We have been nose to the grindstone for months and we are happily exhausted.

"I am so very tired. I haven't slept in seven weeks. My hair hurts. I nodded off at my drawing table and when I woke up, I was in the Swiss Alps riding a yeti. I'm not sure, but I think I may have started a few fight clubs within the past month" ~ Design Assassin

On to the happy stuff…we have updated our webstore, so please feel free to check out our webstore by clicking the the "SHOPPING" button at the top of the page. Speaking of the top of the page, browse through our current and pending t-shirt ideas by clicking "Our Farm". Be sure to check out the happy faces of some of our wonderful customers by clicking "Our Fans". Without "Our Fans", we would not be here. Paying a little homage to them is the least we can to to show our appreciation.

Thank you for visiting our new home and feel free to stop by anytime. We have a new batch of designs brewing, the blog will be updated weekly, new garment and colors are being considered, our new site will be in a constant state of updates, and of course we will fill you all in on the never ending antics of our resident Design Assassin. For those of you who are following us on FaceBook, you know exactly what we are talking about. For those of you who aren't following us on Facebook yet, have a look at our page and you will instantly know what we are referring to. Check back with us so you won't miss out on all of the fun and excitement that is going on here at Herb & Bamboo, and we don't want you to miss a single thing.

Thank you for your continued support,

~Herb & Bamboo